The Transformative Power of Words

The Next Evolution

In 2010, I wrote an outline and table of contents for a book entitled, The Next Evolution, which is still waiting patiently to be written.

It's not that I stopped evolving, in fact quite the opposite has occurred. The shifts in my life, the ebbs and flow of relationship, of children growing, of jobs and money and all the life learning put me right where I needed to be in order to navigate this year we've just had.

Without the psychological and spiritual tools in my back pocket, this pandemic year could have looked much, much different. But that's a story for another time. Today, I am being drawn to return to the idea of The Next Evolution

Who are we meant to be? Collectively and Individually, this humanity and time we are living in? And how do we even get there?

Over the last year there have been many conversations in different spiritual and communal arenas about Ascension, the 5th Dimension, elevating consciousness, etc., and it's not lost on me that at the same time we...

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Just Do It

You're staring at this blank screen. Cursor clicking. It's so cliche, but cliches are a thing because there is so much Truth to it.

How do you write something meaningful? Uplifting? Authentic? True?

Well, you just start. Like I'm doing now. 

No more thinking or planning. Nike says it best, "Just Do it"

So I'm here. Just doing it. 

In the moment, one letter at a time.

Despite the cold. Despite the pandemic. Despite the odd tweak of pain in my shoulder which demanded I take a break from a lot of things yesterday.

The body knows well. Much better than the conscious mind sometimes. These paths of energy and dis-ease running through our spaces where we can't see them.

Only feel them.

If we just take a moment to 


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According to Merriam-Webster, there are three definitions of the word, "visibility." 

The first is, "the quality or state of being visible." Seems pretty self-explanatory. A state of being seen.

The second definition has a few variables attached:

2a: the degree of clearness (as of the atmosphere or ocean)

specifically the greatest distance through the atmosphere toward the horizon at which prominent objects can be identified with the naked eye.

Ah, there it is, a trigger word... able to pinpoint with the naked eye. It is easy for the seer to see, but not always so easy for the one being seen. The nakedness mirrored in the eyes of others. Not literally of course, but sometimes being visible--putting yourself out there for the world to hear your message, follow your lead, or critique your creative endeavor feels just as revealing. Exhibitionistic, perhaps. Or maybe just a little fragile.

Other variables from the second definition are what we typically use in...

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Every Day, I'm Brave: Part II

If you're looking for Part I before you read this, don't bother. I'm starting here at Part II because the before existed in another space and time. Literally. A different internet space and nearly ten years ago.

I've been hoping to write a book for quite some time. "About what?" you may ask. Which is a relatively bright question. But the answer is muddy.

You see, I've always felt like I had a message to share with others. I don't know why, and I'm learning that the why may not really matter so much any more. But the vision pulls me, and I'm allowing it to do so more fully these days.

Surrendering to what is and following my heart.

Every Day, I'm Brave is just a piece of the journey. The piece that has taken my anxious brain on a circus ride of healing and learning and practice. LOTS of practice.

So I've learned a few things along the way about showing up, even when it feels like the last thing you want--or can--do. And I've learned a few things about what showing up for yourself...

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