Remember on September 2nd when we started the 30 Day Writing Challenge?! Well, by golly, we did it!
I had many friends join in for some or all of the challenge and make strides on their projects that they are proud of.
My personal goal was to get through all of the developmental edits on my manuscript and I DID IT! It's back in the editor's hands and I'm remembering to celebrate even as the voices of doubt linger:
"Is it compelling enough?"
"I know I'll need to change this or that"
"Are the lessons clear?"
"So close and yet so far away!"
But we did it! I am farther than I've ever been on a project I really care about, and that's a WIN!
What are you celebrating today? I'm celebrating YOU! For showing up, for being right where you are. We are brave, every day.
So, I've been sticking with the blog commitment as I also commit to 30 days of writing for 30 minutes. The fact is, it might be a little too much for me right now... sure I've got a lot I can say here, but the last of the developmental edits for my memoir are really where I'm focused.
So, I'm going to give myself a little break with the blog, and maybe this is permission for you, too, to take a moment and evaluate where you need to most prioritize your time for this particular month, season, quarter... and give yourself the grace not to pile too much on.
Every Day, I'm Brave is an important project for me. It's something I've been called to write, to claim my narrative, to help others know that there is a way to live a courageous, connected, and meaningful life even while dealing with the hard stuff.
So take a pause when needed. I'm going to do that here while I spend the rest of September finishing up the next phase of my book. There's plenty here to peruse, and there...
Okay, people, I am in the home stretch for the last of the developmental edits for my upcoming teaching memoir, Every Day, I'm Brave. As such, it's time for some super duper accountability so I can get this done and into the next phases of the publishing process.
I have a goal (some might say it's lofty) to complete this phase by October 1, and I'm asking for your help.
Help me stay accountable, help me understand that procrastination and busy work will not be the things that complete the book. Help me stay true to the commitment I'm making to myself to get this book out of my head and into your hands, and help keep moving along for all the hearts that may hear my story and feel a little more hope that they, too, can bravely face the challenges and fear that hold them back from creating a life they love.
I'd also love for you to join me! Starting Monday, September 2nd I'm going to begin this 30 day writing challenge (thank you Mel Robbin's LAUNCH container for getting this...
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