Every Day, I'm Brave

Renee ZukinĀ®

Small Steps

As a visionary it can be difficult to see the small steps that it takes to get to the big vision. We look around and see the end results, the products, productions, and people who have gotten the big promotion, landed the book deal, done the TED Talk and we think about being there, but aren't certain of the steps. This can cause us to get caught in this trap of thinking that it's impossible, or giving up after a first or second attempt.

There's a quote about becoming an overnight sensation... something along the lines of, "it took me years to become and overnight success." The idea, of course, being that we don't often see the trial and error, the steps and missteps along the way, the hard work and grit of this seemingly overnight success.

So don't cheat yourself out of the real prize. All that dedication and determination to get the support you need to learn your craft, to hone the skills, to become the person who becomes the one who succeeds on the small, every day habits that...

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